Meet the Team
Neasa Ni Bhrían
Neasa is a co-founder of A Playful City, and has 15 years of experience in co-creative placemaking. Neasa practised as a barrister at law for 10 years until 2015, she has a special interest in connecting people and urban places with nature. . and approaches her work with A Playful City with these interests at heart. Neasa also l coordinates and teaches on a MSc Urban Environment at University College Dublin.
Naomi Murphy
Naomi is a co-founder of A Playful City, she has a degree in Creative and Cultural Industries and Masters in Design Practice Naomi has 10+ years of experience in these industries - and approaches consultation and placemaking in a more innovative way - through a creative, collaborative and user-led design lens.
Cathal Mulry
Associate Director
Cathal has over 10 years of experience in architecture and design practice in the UK and Ireland. He has had extensive involvement in both collaborative and creative solutions to stakeholder engagement - as well as design brief development for buildings and communities.
Cathal has led consultation in large design teams for Town Centre First Policy projects (New Ross and Skibbereen) as well as the development of the Cork Docklands Masterplan Framework.
Cathal is a part time lecturer in Urban Design Futures (UCC) and tutors in the Cork Centre for Architectural Education. He currently coordinates a Masters programme jointly designed and delivered by the UNIC alliance: Redesigning the Post-Industrial City (MSc).
Aaron Copeland
Aaron is a co-founder of A Playful City and has worked in education, public arts and community placemaking for over 25 years. His work has been recognised and awarded nationally as well as internationally. Aaron has a special interest in children’s independent mobility and community engaged practice. Aaron also lectures on a MSc Urban Environment at the School of Geography, University College Dublin.