Meet the Team

  • Aaron Copeland


    Aaron has worked for 18 years in arts and community event management and is a founding member of Eek Arts Collective, Upstart, Upon A Tree and A Playful City. Aaron’s work has been recognised and awarded nationally as well as internationally as a founding member of Upstart.

  • Naomi Murphy


    With her degree in Creative and Cultural Industries and subsequent Masters in Design Practice, Naomi approaches events in a more innovative way - through a creative, collaborative and user-led design lens. Naomi is also a director of Connect the Dots - a stakeholder engagement practice.

  • Cathal Mulry

    Associate Director

    Cathal has over ten years experience within architecture and design. His previous work with Metropolitan Workshop and Connect the Dots has led to extensive involvement with collaborative, creative solutions to stakeholder engagement and brief development for buildings and communities between the UK and Ireland.

    Cathal also tutors in the Cork Centre for Architectural Education and currently coordinates a Masters course for University College Cork: Redesigning the Post-Industrial City (MSc).

  • Neasa Ni Bhrian


    Neasa practised as a barrister at law from 2006 – 2015 and has a special interest in environmental and human rights law. She approaches her role as project and client manager for A Playful City with these interests at heart. Neasa also lectures at the School of Geography, UCD on a MSc in Urban Studies and in the Law Society.